Yearly Archive: 2023


Memories That Shape Our Futures

A few weeks ago, I published a post called This Must Be The Place. In it, I mentioned a photograph of my dad shaving in a roadside rest stop while my parents vagabonded around...


Route 66: Welcome to Shamrock Texas Mural

When you think about Route 66 and Shamrock, Texas, the first thing that springs to mind is likely the gorgeous vintage Tower Conoco Station and the U Drop Inn Cafe. It is an incredible...


The Little Kriega Bags That Could

Though I’ve written about them in the past, I just have to give another shout out to these Kriega bags – a Drypack US-20 and US-30 . Year after year they continue to make...


Motorcycle Blogger: My Camera Equipment

Ostensibly, blogging is in large part about writing things down. But you can’t overlook the impact that photos have on supplementing those writings. Images fill in the gaps where words fall short. Maybe you’ve...


Crossing the Plains in New Mexico

During any road trip there are bound to be moments which are… boring. Looking out towards the horizon on a pin straight road which looks like it might deliver you to the edge of...


Greetings from the American Southwest

This year, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of weeks bumming around the American Southwest. The idea of taking this trip was something that I’d been noodling on abstractly for a while....